februarie 11, 2009

Mini Intervista

Spune-ne câteva cuvinte despre tine, Ladystarlight

Eu sunt sfioasă şi în faţa propriului meu laptop.
Laptop cu ocazia accidentului de pe ruta copywriter - pseudo director executiv soţie de şef şi casnică la dânsa în agenţie. Cumpărat ieri. (clap! clap!)
Ieri când am purtat ghiozdan pentru prima dată în ultimele 24 de luni. (booo!)
Luni, ultima zi serioasă de copywriter. (FCK money!)

Translate into English

Copywriter on stand-by?
By all means I must change myself in this city. (a-haaa!)
City... this city... is missing the greatest invention in the whole universe (besides chocolate trees)
SUN!(wow) I'm missing a place a space a room of my own. (snif! snif!)

7 comentarii:

  1. translate into hot city

  2. sună foarte bine dacă-i punem şi un fucking în faţa lui hot.

    dumneavoastră, domnişoară, aveţi abonament?:)

  3. right...so we have a case of self-confruntation:legs vs boobs or hair intelligence vs your skin's population. Your boobs are following the legs just like hair's secret services are spying on your people. Right?
    You might find it uninteresting but...you should know that you're not in the position to eliminate even an insignificant aspect of this misty reality.

  4. dear cartoon network,
    i want to thank you for the kind delirious almost nonsense words. i must tell you that in me there is a woman who cuts my hair weekly so there are no secret services, i repeat, there are no!:D

    besides our babble i need to ask you for a favor: please send me your special karma recipe. i need it for tonight: the dubious meeting for sexualizing good and wrong.

  5. disambiguation: Let the psy goa flow into your deepest core, find and evaporate your skin, nose and lips. i am just behind you lightning your path to da' beautiful colours of your inloved brain

  6. si da better karma for you from now on and on and on.

  7. mi piacerebe tant volarae con tio ma sonyo/I like so much to fly with you my mind/ was just exercise becouse we stay toghether now
